Author: Our Subject Matter Expert


Goal Setting for Leaders

Goal setting for leaders assists them in staying focused on what is genuinely important. Setting goals as a leader entails having a wider picture in mind, a vision of where he or she wants to go. Setting large, intriguing, or even virtually unachievable goals keeps the leader interested and motivated throughout time, as well as […]

By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog

Email Etiquette Training

Email etiquette training is crucial in professional settings, guiding behaviors for writing and responding to messages. With emails being a predominant form of communication in business, a clear set of guidelines is essential. Email etiquette, often considered a code of conduct for email writing, varies depending on the recipient, whether they be friends, customers, or […]

By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog

Management Styles

Every manager exhibits a unique style, which encompasses their decision-making styles, communication methods, and interpersonal skills. Objective assessments can greatly enhance a manager’s effectiveness by highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement, particularly in relationship management styles, a critical component of both planning and execution. Everything DiSC Management Assessments Developed by John Wiley & Sons, […]

By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog

Patience in the Workplace

Patience is a crucial element for success in the workplace. It involves more than enduring long hours; it requires active listening, absorbing advice, and cultivating relationships that enhance decision-making. This article explores the pivotal role of patience in business and its impact on organizational success. Practicing Patience at Work Practicing patience means accepting and addressing […]

By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog

Diversity and Inclusion champions

Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) champions play a critical role in leading, managing, planning, and delivering D&I initiatives within organizations. However, the vast scope and emotional demands of this charter make it impractical for one individual to drive these efforts alone. Building a network of allies is essential for D&I champions to create an inclusive culture […]

By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog

DISC Model

William Moulton Marston (1893-1947) was a versatile figure: a lawyer, psychologist, and the creator of the DISC model, as well as the Wonder Woman comic. Born in Cliftondale, Massachusetts, Marston was a physiological psychologist who made significant contributions to behavioral psychology. He gained prominence through his invention of the first functional lie detector polygraph, which […]

By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog

Situational Leadership

There are different types of situational leadership who strive to achieve their goals. Some will direct others to get the work done, some will coach others towards their success by encouraging and motivating them, some will roll up their sleeves and work with others to achieve the targets, and some will prefer to delegate the […]

By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog

Leader Develop Composure

Composure is crucial for leaders, not only influencing their own state of mind but also reassuring others, especially in critical times. A composed leader develop composure ensures clarity of thought, positivity, and calmness, sending reassuring signals to their team, which in turn fosters a sense of control and readiness for challenges. Unskilled Responses Emotional Reactions […]

By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog


We believe that leaders are made. Through careful nurturing, structured learning, and enriching experience. Nurture wins over nature.


We believe that humans have an unlimited capacity to learn. You may differ in your natural talents, preferences, and learning styles; but YOU can be whatever YOU set out to be. The world is your oyster!


The role of a facilitator and trainer in adult learning, is to challenge the assumptions,reframe the experience, and change perspectives. They enable learning by creating conversations that enable the learners to reflect on their own personalities, experiences, and priorities.


Teamwork that leads to high, consistent performance, represents the highest form of competitive advantage. Teamwork is not a function of time, role, or situation, but is an outcome of a collective goal – a conscious, consistent, and targeted effort by each of the team members.

Strengthscape Private Limited is an Everything DiSC® and Five Behaviors™ Authorized Partner. The brands, names, and trademarks of all products and solutions including facilitation kits and assessments are owned by the respective producers. ‘DiSC’ and ‘Everything DiSC’ are registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Adobe and Captivate are registered trademarks of Adobe Inc. ‘The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team' is a trademark of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 'Strengthscape', 'Jamavaar', 'Content iScape' and 'Discprofiles' are registered trademarks of Strengthscape or its promoters. For details please refer to Terms & Conditions.