

First Time Manager

Challenges of Transitioning to First-Time Manager Transitioning from an individual contributor to a first-time manager is often fraught with challenges. While this shift presents ample opportunities for personal and professional growth, it is laden with risks. Many individuals find themselves thrust into managerial roles without adequate training, rendering them ill-prepared for the responsibilities that come [...]
By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog

Design Thinking

Design thinking is a non-linear, iterative process used by teams to understand users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems, and create innovative prototypes and tests. Design thinking is both an ideology and a process for solving complex problems in a user-centric manner. Design thinking is a method for solving practical and creative problems. It is heavily based [...]
By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog


People can acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their professions through on-the-job training. That can involve learning something as they go along or growing to better their jobs. Learning, whether it be short-term or long-term, inspires people and gives organizations the personnel they need to perform better and meet future challenges. After the [...]
By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog

Leadership & Related Concepts

Leadership involves a variety of significant qualities and is the capacity to consistently influence a group of people. Leadership focuses on the continuing motivation, engagement, and productivity of a team, while management is the general direction and monitoring of a team's work operations. Leadership and its related concepts are things that leaders take into account [...]
By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog

Training Employees

Training, in any shape or form, forms an integral part of any organization. It forms the backbone of any good and growing organization. In the modern times, no organization can do things the same way as it is used to. Change is imperative if we want to experience growth and fulfillment. The same is true [...]
By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog

Sales Coaching with DiSC

Building Sales a working relationship with customers is critical to a company's long-term success. A strong connection built on trust and communication makes customers feel more secure and connected to a brand, which can lead to increased customer retention. To build customer relationships and loyalty is difficult, so salespeople require extensive training to acquire the [...]
By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog

Emotional Competence

Emotional Intelligence is an important aspect of today’s businesses as it enhances communication, inspires workers, and fosters an atmosphere where people feel free to express themselves. EI at work encourages empathy between managers and staff members. Having a high level of emotional intelligence can be beneficial in many areas of your life, not just the [...]
By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog

Training Portfolio

Leadership training and development encompassing a comprehensive training portfolio, aids in identifying high-potential individuals poised for leadership and expanding the capabilities of current leaders. This training portfolio enhances leadership development, a process crucial for increasing an individual's capacity to lead effectively. By integrating leadership development training into your portfolio, you empower a workforce ready to [...]
By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog


We believe that leaders are made. Through careful nurturing, structured learning, and enriching experience. Nurture wins over nature.


We believe that humans have an unlimited capacity to learn. You may differ in your natural talents, preferences, and learning styles; but YOU can be whatever YOU set out to be. The world is your oyster!


The role of a facilitator and trainer in adult learning, is to challenge the assumptions,reframe the experience, and change perspectives. They enable learning by creating conversations that enable the learners to reflect on their own personalities, experiences, and priorities.


Teamwork that leads to high, consistent performance, represents the highest form of competitive advantage. Teamwork is not a function of time, role, or situation, but is an outcome of a collective goal – a conscious, consistent, and targeted effort by each of the team members.

Strengthscape Private Limited is an Everything DiSC® and Five Behaviors™ Authorized Partner. The brands, names, and trademarks of all products and solutions including facilitation kits and assessments are owned by the respective producers. ‘DiSC’ and ‘Everything DiSC’ are registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Adobe and Captivate are registered trademarks of Adobe Inc. ‘The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team' is a trademark of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 'Strengthscape', 'Jamavaar', 'Content iScape' and 'Discprofiles' are registered trademarks of Strengthscape or its promoters. For details please refer to Terms & Conditions.