The Process of Organizing at Workplace

The Process of Organizing at Workplace

Organizing at workplace is the method of defining and grouping activities into sections and setting up relationships among selected people, work and workplaces so they can work together to achieve organizational objectives. It means management followed by planning. It is a function in which the coordination and combination of human, financial and physical resources takes place, which help in attaining results which is important for the functioning of a concern. In other words, Organizing at workplace is a process by which the concern is being able to define the roles related and the planning between management and responsibility. Thus, a manager always has to organize in order to get results.

Process of Organizing

One of the most important functions of a manager is organizing the work of all of his employees. Process of organizing at workplace is one of the toughest and most important functions of management. Let us learn more about organizing and the process of organizing. Organizing essentially consists of establishing a division of labor. The managers divide the work among a group of individuals and then integrate their activities for best results.

Organizing also involves giving correct amount of responsibility to the employees along with the authority to successfully accomplish these tasks and responsibilies.The process of organizing follows the following steps –

Identifying the Work

The very first step in the process of organizing is to identify the work that has to be done by the organization. The manager needs to identify the tasks to be done to achieve the goals of the organization. This helps avoid miscommunication, overlapping of responsibilities and wastage of time and effort.

Grouping of Work

For the smooth functioning of the organization, similar tasks and activities should be grouped together. This makes the functioning systematic by creating departments within the company and divisions within each department, depending on the size of the organization and the amount of work.

Establish Hierarchy

Another step in the process of organizing is establishing relationships among employees of the company. This enables the evaluation and control over the performances of all the employees in a timely manner. Thus, if changes need to be made, they can be made immediately.

Delegation of Authority

Authority is basically an individual’s right to act according to his wishes and extract loyalty from the others. So, when a manager is given certain responsibilities, he must also be given authority to carry out such duties effectively.


The manager needs to make sure that there is coordination between various employees and groups. Otherwise, it may lead to conflicts between employees, and wastage of time and efforts. He must ensure all the departments are carrying out their specialized tasks and there is harmony in these activities. The aim is to ensure that the goal of the organization is fulfilled.

Benefits of Organizing

When it comes to the particular organizational structure a business follows, several factors such as size, industry, and manager preference play a part .While planning is essential for managers to reach business goals, most of it can go to waste if they fail to organize the company’s valuable skills and resources properly. Some of the benefits of organizing include the following when managers take the time to organize –

  • Organizing arranges employees’ individual goals with the company. If employees are working without concern for the big picture, then the organization loses the togetherness necessary to work as a unit.
  • A good organizational framework is essential for the spread of business activities as it improves tracing and responsibility and helps organizations identify the resources it needs to grow. Similarly, organizing is essential for product multiplicity, such as the development of a new line of business.
  • Organizing helps business efficiency and lower wastage. In order to increase efficiency, some businesses assemble operations while others arrange operations with customer in mind.
  • A strong organizational structure gives clear instructions, so employees know whose directions to follow. This in turn improves responsibility, which is important when outcomes are measured and analyzed.

Importance Of Organizing

Organizations are systems created to achieve common goals through relationships between workers and their relationship with work. They are basically social elements that are goal – oriented, intentionally created for coordinated activity systems, and related to the external environment. Managers purposely create and bring together resources to achieve the organization’s purpose. Each organization has its own external and internal environment that defines the nature of the relationships according to its distinct needs. Managers undertake organizing to design, structure and arrange the elements of an organization’s internal environment to promote attainment of organizational goals. A thorough approach to organizing helps the management in many ways. It combines the various resources towards a common goal.

Efficient Administration

Organizing brings together various departments by grouping similar and related jobs under a single skill. This creates planning between different departments, which leads to combined effort and cooperation in work. It manages the working of different departments by describing activities and their authority relationships in the organizational structure. It creates the workings for management to direct and control the activities in the organization.

Resource Development

Organizing ensures effective role suitable for every employee in the organization. It helps in avoiding confusion and delays, as well as doubling of work and overlapping of effort.

Benefits Specialization

It is the process of organizing at workplace groups and dividing the various activities and jobs based on the concept of division of labor. This helps to complete work in minimum time ensuring the benefit of specialization.

Promotes Effective Communication

Organizing is an important means of planning and communication among the various departments of the organization. Different jobs and positions are interrelated. It specifies the mode of communication among different members.

Creates Transparency

The activities carried out by the employees are clearly defined as to what exactly has to be done in every job. Organizing fixes, the authority – responsibility among employees. This leads to transparency in the organization.

Expansion and Growth

When resources are used properly and work is distributed fairly among employees, organizations can increase their strength and take up more activities. They can easily meet the challenges and can increase their activities in a well-planned manner.

Importance of Organizing

It is essential to get organized to enable easier future planning for your business. Begin by starting a routine and planning each day. Then move on to planning for future by using your goals. There are lots of ways of being organized that help your business. Managers undertake organizing to frame, design and arrange the elements of an organization’s internal environment to promote attainment of organizational goals. Process of organizing at workplace creates the structure needed to reach a company’s goals and objectives. The more organized your business is, the easier it will be to function, leaving you more time to focus on increasing your profits.