What to Expect in a First Time Manager Interview?
If you are going through first time manager interview questions, then chances are that you have faced interviews successfully in the past for a lower position. However, even with that experience though, the questions that will be asked for a managerial position can be quite tricky.
So, just in case you are not sure about the whole thing, we will highlight the questions that can be asked you whilst you are getting ready to face the interview for a managerial position for the first time.
Before we get down to listing the questions that can be asked to you, it is important to understand they will all be about your past accomplishments, your style of management, your overall experience, expectations you have for the future, etc.
Based on the answers you give; the interviewer will determine whether you fit the bill or not.
So, here are some of the general questions you may be confronted with when you are applying for a managerial position for the first time:
- Do you prefer to work in a team or independently?
- Describe how you solved a problem before?
- How do you intend to reach the goals set by the management?
- Tell me about yourself
- How will you evaluate success?
- What is your strength?
- Describe your weakness?
- What are your goals for the next 10 years?
- How are you going to contribute to this company?
- Why are you the best person for this job?
- How was your experience working with your manager?
- Who were your best and worst managers so far?
First Time Manager Interview Tips
It can be a nerve-wracking experience for anyone, especially if they are about to face an interview for a higher-level position like a manager. However, in reality, there is nothing you have to worry about. This is because there are a few tips that can make your experience a whole lot better and a memorable one. Want to know what these tips are? Here are some of them:
Impressive C.V
Your C.V might not have the supervisor or manager job title on it, but still, providing an impressive C.V to the interviewer is your first big chance to impress. The first impression is clearly very important. It’s like half the battle is won when your impression is a positive one! So, even if you have some experience in leadership or supervisory roles held previously, then highlight it in your C.V. Also, if you have indulged yourself in any volunteer work that demonstrated your leadership capabilities then mention that in your C.V. Remember, all these experiences will count in your favor!
Show your ‘Manager’ attitude
Interviewing the first-time manager will also bring your ‘manager’ attitude into question. Remember, the interviewer will search for managerial traits in you. Therefore, make sure to remain assertive and confident in your answers and approach. Always maintain eye contact with the person interviewing you and do not umm and err your words. It is also beneficial if you are sincere in your tone.
Explore: The First Time Manager Training Program
Prepare well
It is very important to be well prepared so you can highlight your skills to the potential employer with full confidence. In addition to highlighting your strengths, remain confident and calm your nerves so you feel fully prepared. Research the position and company you are approaching, so that you can impress the employer with your knowledge.
Contact us if you are interested in a first time managers training program that is tailored to the needs of your organization or team.