Author: Our Subject Matter Expert


Indicators of Business Failure

The fear of a new indicators of business failure is real. While a startup life appears to be all glamourous when it comes to rising evaluations or funding, it comes with its own set of challenges. With regard to this, an important question to ask yourself is – what is the survival rate of new […]

By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog

How To Build Stronger Cross-cultural Teams

We see more stronger cross-cultural teams in today’s organizations. As the world becomes more and more universal, people are seeing a growing uniformity in lifestyles across borders, and cultures from all around the world are more revealing. This might lead to a misconception that we all think the same way, and therefore the challenges of […]

By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog

The Present Age of Artificial Intelligence

The present age of artificial intelligence (AI) has surfaced only in the recent years so it is right to say that it is in its infancy stage. It is believed that once this technology is completely evolved, its power would be humongous to replicate the behaviour of the human mind. Scientists and researchers think that […]

By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog

Importance of Workplace Safety

Importance of workplace safety is a process in which employees are provided with skills and knowledge for performing the work in a way which is safe for them and for their co-workers. This training includes guidelines and instructions to identify hazards, report them and deal with incidents. Managers should encourage an incident reporting culture so […]

By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog

Learn Facilitation Skills with Master Facilitator

The genuine smile and warmth that emanated from Barack Obama always helped him stand firm as a formidable presidential candidate. But there was a small gesture that many feared could have worked against his election to the seat – his nodding to acknowledge facilitation skills with master facilitator what Republican challenger Mitt Romney was saying […]

By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog

10 Ways to Empowering Women Across the Globe

Women play a crucial role in business, particularly as mentors and decision-makers in developed countries. However, gender discrimination persists in many parts of the world, affecting empowering women across the globe with poverty and exploitation. In developing nations, sustainable economic growth is impossible without women’s empowerment. Gender inclusion drives social progress and economic growth, with […]

By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog

Psychometric Test Style and Format

Psychometric tests help in assessing the personality, attitude, skill, etc of the individual. They are basically a series of questions which are timed and are often numerical, verbal, logical in nature. Most of the organizations use these psychometric test style and format to recruit candidates because these tests give a clearer picture of the skill […]

By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog

Compliance Training’s for New Employee Onboarding Process

In a global marketplace where products and services are easily copied, your company culture is one of your businesses’ few peculiar identifiers. It expresses your organization’s shared beliefs and values, conveying how your compliance trainings employees interact with customers and each other. A toxic culture can lead to high employee turnover, poorer health results, and can quickly sour […]

By Our Subject Matter Expert | Blog


We believe that leaders are made. Through careful nurturing, structured learning, and enriching experience. Nurture wins over nature.


We believe that humans have an unlimited capacity to learn. You may differ in your natural talents, preferences, and learning styles; but YOU can be whatever YOU set out to be. The world is your oyster!


The role of a facilitator and trainer in adult learning, is to challenge the assumptions,reframe the experience, and change perspectives. They enable learning by creating conversations that enable the learners to reflect on their own personalities, experiences, and priorities.


Teamwork that leads to high, consistent performance, represents the highest form of competitive advantage. Teamwork is not a function of time, role, or situation, but is an outcome of a collective goal – a conscious, consistent, and targeted effort by each of the team members.

Strengthscape Private Limited is an Everything DiSC® and Five Behaviors™ Authorized Partner. The brands, names, and trademarks of all products and solutions including facilitation kits and assessments are owned by the respective producers. ‘DiSC’ and ‘Everything DiSC’ are registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Adobe and Captivate are registered trademarks of Adobe Inc. ‘The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team' is a trademark of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 'Strengthscape', 'Jamavaar', 'Content iScape' and 'Discprofiles' are registered trademarks of Strengthscape or its promoters. For details please refer to Terms & Conditions.