DISC-Enhanced Communication Skills Training
We all tend to make a lot of mistakes when we communicate
Leadership best practices with Everything DiSC Work of Leaders
Leaders at different levels of the organisational hierarchy have different responsibilities
Onboarding Plan Essentials
First impressions matter a lot because they are the only ones that stay
Learn Smart Hiring Basics through DiSC Certification Workshop
You have a new position to fill and your workspace has no space at all because of the CV’s you have to go through to find the right fit for that vacancy
How to Design a Great Mentoring Program
As businesses become more knowledge centric right systems to facilitate transfer of both explicit and implicit knowledge is the focal point
Traits of Effective Managers
A search on the word manager will throw up interesting yet confusing verdicts on what the “ideal” manager is supposed to be
Importance of Training and Development in an Organization
In addition to being a core function of human resource management, training and development is also a subsystem of an organization