Cultivating Cohesiveness – Applying DISC to Drive Team Success

Uncover the importance of effective team dynamics in achieving strategic business outcomes.

DISC For Managers – Building the Middle

Middle management is pivotal to the success of any organization, serving as the critical bridge between senior leadership and frontline teams.

DiSC in Leadership Coaching

Explore the essence of directed coaching and its pivotal role in driving tangible results for leaders and organizations alike.

EPIC Sub – Account Webinar

Discover the power of EPIC Sub-Accounts and learn to create impactful follow-up reports. Enhance your skills, stay updated with insights, and maximize the benefits of your DiSC assessments.

Everything DiSC Management

Everything DiSC Management is a personalized learning process that improves team productivity and cohesion as well as a manager’s effectiveness.

Value of Using Psychometric Assessments in Learning Interventions

These days, making predictions is crucial. We must prepare for the weather, the economy, the shifting political and geopolitical landscape, among other things.

EPIC Sub Account

An EPIC (Electronic Profile Information Center) Account allows a team leader to quickly provide online DiSC profile assessments to teams, as well as clients.

Designing DiSC Based Learning Interventions

Over the last few decades, learning and development has developed into a strategic activity with a clear connection to corporate strategy.

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders | Webinar

Imagine an organization led by inspirational, visionary, and highly effective leaders.

Listening with Purpose

In both our personal and professional relationships, active listening is a crucial skill.

Everything DiSC Productive Conflict

Imagine working in an organization where conflict and challenging comments are addressed in a constructive and effective way. 

Creating Facilliation Kits for Virtual Training

Companies of all stripes had to quickly move operations online while under quarantine.

Everything DiSC Sales

Think of a group of flexible, self-aware salespeople. Just consider how good it would feel to know that your clients feel heard and understood.  

EPIC Accounts EPIC Credit System and DiSC Profiling

We often worry of buying assessments in bulk and not get the chance to use it. Trainers and companies have varied budgets which expires end of the year.

Decoding Agile EQ – Discover, Recognize and Act

Companies now must adapt and evolve more swiftly than ever as a result of globalization, new technology, increasing workplace diversity, and unrelenting competition.

Introducing The Five Behaviors Personal Development

Team members in today’s business must maneuver through a dynamic environment.

Everything DiSC Five Behaviors Personal Development

Team members must traverse a continuously shifting environment in the modern workplace, and they must be adaptable and relationship-savvy to overcome these common obstacles.

Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders

Everything DiSC 363 is a 360-degree feedback assessment that leverages DiSC to help the leaders being evaluated gain distinctive insights. John Wiley & Sons is the publisher of this 360-degree feedback instrument. 

Everything DiSC Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team

Our modern workplace is constantly changing. As a result, enhancing team cohesion can seem nearly impossible.